Our Blog

For your benefit and education in matters of law

Our blog is here to educate our clients on matters of workers compensation law

How Much Is A Workers’ Comp Settlement?

A Santa Rosa workers’ compensation lawyer can help injured workers negotiate a favorable workers’ comp settlement Most workers’ compensation cases settle. When they do not settle, a Santa Rosa workers’ compensation lawyer can present the injured worker’s case to a...

How Does Workmans Comp Pay For Lost Wages?

How Does Workers’ Comp Pay For Lost Wages? If you have been injured at work, and are unable to perform your job duties as a result of your injury, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation disability benefits. Disability compensation for lost wages can be on a...

When Should You Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer?

Claims for permanent disability benefits and contested claims often require the assistance of a California workers compensation lawyer The California workers compensation system is supposed to resolve work injury claims simply and efficiently. Unfortunately, that...

When Will Workmans Comp Not Pay for My Injury?

Workmans comp (now known in California as workers’ compensation) is a state-regulated mandatory insurance benefit program that employers must provide to employees. The program provides benefits to employees who suffer on-the-job injuries. There are times, however,...

How to Calculate Workers’ Compensation Benefits

The workers’ compensation system pays three primary benefits: the cost of medical care, temporary disability benefits, and permanent disability benefits. Since most medical expenses are paid as they are incurred, those benefits do not usually need to be calculated....

Free Consultation

Want to know more about your rights to be compensated for a workplace related injury? Or Are you unable to work because of a medical condition and need help to obtain government benefits? Contact Kneisler & Schondel now for your free consultation

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(707) 542-5132